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IMICS Christmas Luncheon 2023: A Joyful Celebration together with the professors and students


The International Master's Program in International Communication Studies (IMICS) at National Chengchi University came alive with the spirit of the season as it hosted a vibrant Christmas luncheon at Dayong Building 401.  Students and esteemed professors from various academic years gathered to celebrate the joyous occasion.  The event was orchestrated with the collaborative efforts of second and third-year students, namely Irene, Josie, Schawink, and Albert.

Dr Tammy Jih-Hsuan Lin, the director of IMICS, set the tone for the event with inspirational words. Faculty members including Dr Tsung-Jen Shih, Dr Yi-Hsiu Chen, Dr Kenny Chow, Dr Ssu-Han Yu, and Dr Christine Cook attended the occasion to engage with students and share in the festive spirit.

The highlight of the celebration was a lively Trivia game where students grouped up into teams of four, including a team of professors, engaging in the competition.  A group emerged victorious and earned the IMICS limited edition cup holder as their prize, adding to the jubilant atmosphere of the event.

Following the engaging games, the luncheon started by offering delectable pizzas and refreshments.  Concurrently, an Easter hunt for the lucky draw prizes ensued, with five hidden cards scattered throughout the classroom to encourage interactive engagement among students and professors.

The event concluded on a high note, fostering a sense of merriment and relaxation among students and professors, fostering connections and joyful memories as the year draws to a close.



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