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IMICS visited the Meta’s partner in Taiwan


On Nov. 25th, the International Master’s Program in International Communication Studies (IMICS) and Center for Research & Development at Communication College have co-organized a field trip to Speed 3D Inc. and Viveland in Syntrend, joined by Dr. Katherine Chen, Dean of the College of Communication, Dr. Tammy Lin, IMICS director, and Dr. Tsung-Jen Shih, Director of Center for Research & Development, together with 20 IMICS students. With this trip, IMICS intended to bring hands-on experience of the cutting-edge technology of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to its students.

The IMICS faculty and students were welcomed by Marvin Chiu, the Co-founder and CEO, and Monica Hsueh, the global marketing manager of Speed 3D Inc. A glance at the rapid advancements in AR, VR and MR (Mixed Reality) and Metaverse introduced during the field trip has broadened the students’ horizons.

“The field trip gave us a first-hand look at one of Taiwan’s most innovative companies in the augmented reality space. In addition, it was a valuable experience to hear directly from industry insiders about their work, mindset, and outlook on how to find success,” said Schawin Kongthawee, a first-year IMICS student from Thailand.

During the field trip, the IMICS staff and students were exposed to the idea of interactive marketing with AR and also had the opportunity to experience PICBOT, a smart photo booth with AR capabilities that can capture photos and videos. In addition, speed 3D Inc. is also generous to share the prototype of one of the latest products they are working on with the students.

“I am so glad to see the IMICS students are interested in the developments of advanced interactive technologies, and I hope my sharing could inspire them in their research or career in the future,” said Monica Hsueh, the expert of digital content marketing from Speed 3D Inc.

Speed 3D Inc. is the one and only technical collaborator on the Taiwan Facebook (Meta) AR studio platform in the Asia Pacific region, which provides state-of-the-art techniques and sophisticated art design, specialising in combining facial analysis and detection with 3D avatar technology, making them the most competitive Facebook camera partner worldwide. Some famous products by Speed 3D Inc. are Insta3D AR and PICBOT.

The informative and entertaining field trip is then wrapped up at Viveland in Syntrend, where the IMICS faculty and students can strengthen their bonding with each other and experience the immersive VR games to release stress and anxiety after the mid-term week.

“I really liked trying out the VR games! I think as students of communications, sometimes we’ll focus on the academic side and forget to immerse ourselves in just seeing what it’s like to use these tools from a daily perspective. Being able to get off campus and play these games with my classmates was also the best stress reliever,” said Rebecca Lin, a second-year international student from the United States.

(Article written by Andrew Yeng, 1st year doctoral student)

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