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IMICS YEAR-END & CHRISTMAS PARTY 2024: A warm celebration with professors and students


On December 18, 2024, the International Master's Program in International Communication Studies (IMICS) at National Chengchi University celebrated the festive season by hosting a lively Christmas party. Esteemed professors and students from various academic years came together to enjoy the celebratory atmosphere. The event was brilliantly organized by Juyeon and Schawin, second- and third-year IMICS students. They not only orchestrated the festivities but also created cherished memories for everyone as 2024 came to a close. 

At the beginning of the event, IMICS served delicious pizza and drinks, allowing students and professors to enjoy a luncheon together and set a warm tone for the party. Traditional Taiwanese sweet soup was also offered as a year-end blessing, which was perfect for the chilly winter season. For some foreign students, it was their first time trying the sweet soup, making it a memorable moment during their time in Taiwan.


Dr. Tammy Jih-Hsuan Lin, Director of IMICS, inspired attendees with her warm speech, demonstrating her genuine care for all students. Dr. Tsung-Jen Shih, Dr. Chia-hsin Yeh, and Dr. Christine Cook, esteemed professors from IMICS, also engaged with students and contributed to the celebratory atmosphere. 


Juyeon and Schawin organized the party with an interactive game, encouraging both professors and students to compete in group activities. All participants were enthusiastic and actively involved during the gameplay session. The vigorous competition led to excitement among students and professors, fueled by the intense narration of the game. It was the highlight of this party, creating a delightful experience for everyone involved.

The event concluded with a raffle in which students were randomly selected using an online roulette. This created an atmosphere filled with cheer and joy. The students who won the gifts were extremely happy. The party strengthened the connections between professors and students, as well as among the students themselves. For both domestic and international students, it was a remarkable occasion that fostered lasting memories within the IMICS community at the end of 2024.

Author: Joyce Wang, IMICS first-year student



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