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【Guest Lecture】Communicating the Unknown by Dr. Shillair, Michigan State University.


On March 28, IMICS is honored to welcome Dr. Ruth Shillair from Michigan State University to our campus!

In addition to discussing the highly anticipated IMICS's exchange program at Michigan State University, Dr. Shillair will also deliver an insightful lecture.

Title: Communicating the unknown: Minimizing harms, maximizing benefits in technology use.


Abstract: Almost every day we hear about new capabilities that technologies bring. The growing abilities of AI to generate human sounding conversations, make realistic looking videos, and summarize meetings are quite impressive. The integration of humanoid robots with Ai on the same neural networks can replicate human skills on assembly lines. Virtual and augmented reality bring immersive experiences and the potential to learn and experience life in new ways. All these technologies bring challenging choices on how we will use them as there are costs as well as benefits that need to be considered. In this talk we will look at the theoretical framework of protection motivation theory to understand how those choices are processed. This helps us build effective communications so people can make informed choices.


Dr. Shillair will share how she has used this framework to explore the choices that people make in their cybersecurity protections. This same framework scales up to how businesses are making choices on cyber safety practices and even how nations make choices in cybersecurity capacity building.

❍ About the Speaker:

Dr. Shillair is an educator, researcher, and entrepreneur focused on maximizing technology’s benefits while minimizing harm. As the Director of the Master’s in Media & Information in Michigan State University, she specializes in cybersecurity, digital literacy, and the digital divide, working globally to explore how technology shapes our society.


❍ Date: March 28 (Fri)

❍ Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Lunch Provided )

❍ Place: Rm 417, Dayong Building (大勇樓417室)

❍ Language: English

❍ Open to all NCCU students and faculty.


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3月28日,IMICS 很榮幸邀請到密西根州立大學的 Ruth Shillair 博士蒞臨我們的傳播學院!

除了介紹備受期待的IMICS與密西根州立大學的交換計畫外,Shillair 博士還將帶來一場精彩演講。

在 AI、網路安全及新興科技的應用中,我們該如何降低風險,同時發揮最大效益?

幾乎每天,我們都會聽到科技帶來的新能力。AI 不斷進步,能夠產生與人類相似的對話、製作逼真的影片,甚至總結會議內容,這些技術的發展令人驚嘆。人形機器人與 AI 結合在同一個神經網絡上,使其能夠在生產線上複製人類技能。虛擬實境(VR)與擴增實境(AR)則為我們帶來沉浸式體驗,讓學習與生活方式有了全新的可能性。

然而,這些技術的發展也伴隨著許多選擇與挑戰,我們該如何使用這些科技?它們帶來的利弊如何權衡?在本次演講中,我們將探討 「保護動機理論(Protection Motivation Theory)」 的理論架構,以理解人們如何做出這些決策。這將幫助我們建立有效的溝通方式,使人們能夠做出更明智的選擇。

Dr. Shillair 將分享她如何運用這一理論來研究人們在網路安全防護上的選擇。這個理論不僅適用於個人,也可以擴展到企業在網路安全策略上的決策,甚至適用於國家層級的網路安全建設與發展。


Dr. Shillair 是一位教育家、研究學者及創業家,致力於讓科技發揮最大效益,同時降低可能的傷害。作為密西根州立大學媒體與資訊碩士學程主任,她專注於網路安全、數位素養及數位鴻溝,並在全球範圍內研究科技如何影響社會發展。


❍時間:中午12:00 - 下午1:30(提供午餐 🍱)

❍地點:大勇樓417 室






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