𖧵 調查期間:自114年3月13日12:00~114年4月11日12:00填寫截止。
𖧵 問卷大約5分鐘左右可完成,請至信箱收信,標題【請協助填寫本校友善校園環境人權指標調查 (有提供施測費) 】,寄件者:NsaSys@ncu.edu.tw,點選連結即可作答。
𖧵 連結將先顯示研究個人資料同意聲明,經您審閱同意後才會開始作答。
𖧵 您的填答結果都將被保護且去識別化,邀請您自由參與本調查。
𖧵 完整填寫完問卷將發送超商電子禮券兌換碼(新臺幣100元/每人)。
劉正華助教 67123(校內分機 )
College of Communication is cooperating with the Ministry of Education to conduct the 2024 Friendly Campus Human Rights Environment Index Survey for universities. We sincerely invite faculty, staff, and students within the college to participate. Your feedback will help the university and the college assess the campus atmosphere and develop concrete measures to improve human rights!
𖧵 Survey Period: From March 13, 2025, at 12:00 PM to April 11, 2025, at 12:00 PM.
𖧵 The questionnaire takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please check your email for the survey invitation with the subject "[Please Assist in Completing the Friendly Campus Human Rights Environment Index Survey]" (Survey participation fee included). The sender is NsaSys@ncu.edu.tw. Simply click the provided link to begin.
𖧵 The survey link will first display a personal data consent statement. You may proceed with the questionnaire after reviewing and agreeing to the terms.
𖧵 Your responses will be protected and anonymized. Participation is completely voluntary.
𖧵 Participants who complete the questionnaire will receive a NT$100 convenience store e-voucher.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this survey, please contact our college representative:
Assistant Liu Cheng-Hua. Extension: 67123. Email: alladin@nccu.edu.tw