Equipment & Classrooms
Teaching Assistant will be in charge of borrowing laptop and/or other equipment before class time.
If you need to book a classroom for your thesis proposal defense and final defense, please come to IMICS Office and talk with our Administrative Officer to arrange the booking.
Course add/drop
Once the 2 online course selection periods have already finished and the new semester begins, adding/dropping courses in the course add/drop period which usually happens in the second week of each semester will require approval of the course instructor. Please visit the course selection system to select the courses that need to add/drop, download the add/drop form generated, have the course instructor sign, and bring it to the office of the NCCU's program/department offering the course.
NCCU System for Course Selection
Student Planning for Course Selection
Student Planning for Course Selection
Proposal defense
Proposal Defense Application Form
Final defense
How to apply for Graduate Degree Examination
Final Defense Transcript (Chinese)
Final Defense Transcript (English)
Template: Thesis Authorization Page
Thesis submission
Thesis Layout and Format Requirements
Template: Thesis Cover
Template: Thesis Secondary Title Page
Other forms
Forms by NCCU Office of Academic Affairs